Investing in young people. Transforming lives against all odds.

*Do you have young people in need of extra support?

*Do you have disengaged or disruptive young people in your class?

* Do you spot young people in your school dealing with mental health issues (ranging from low self esteem to suicidal ideation and eating disorders)?

*Are your young people in need of guidance and motivation?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions we have great news, you've come to the right place! The NAS team are a passionate and equipped team with lived experience. With our trainers and speakers being those who have overcome many of the issues listed above, we are here to help bring you the solutions you need for your young people. We are known to be a catalyst for real transformation and are ready walk alongside your youth.







Who we are:

Not A Statistic Youth (NASYouth) is an organisation that is dedicated to the well-being and personal development of young people. We inspire, equip and empower young people towards a well balanced and wholesome future despite their current circumstances and against all odds.

Some of our goals and objectives include:

  • Providing young people from disadvantaged backgrounds with core life & soft skills

  • Improving emotional and social well-being 

  • Increasing academic achievement and future career prospects through enhanced soft skills 

  • Closing the gaps caused by growing up in disadvantaged areas

  • Reminding young people that despite their background they need not fulfil a negative statistic.

At Not Statistic Youth (NASYouth) our main goal is to achieve full transformation in the lives of every young person we work with. Through our LIFT model, which stands for Life in Full Transformation, we incorporate it into everything we provide and deliver.

Our projects and services serve as early interventions, equipping young people with the necessary tools and resources for a healthy and well-balanced future, regardless of their life experiences. Using interactive activities, practical applications, and authentic stories of transformation against all odds, we empower disadvantaged youth with core life skills and soft skills, fostering confidence, communication abilities, a positive mindset, and emotional strength. Our aim is to make a lasting impact, leaving a memorable and inspiring experience that motivates young individuals for their future.

We achieve these through our bespoke mentoring programmes, tailored workshops and motivational talks.

NAS would love to partner and come alongside you and your young people. Get in touch today and let's make a difference in their lives together.